alpha trading solutions GmbH
Postal address:
Am Kletthamer Feld 10
85435 Erding
Telefon: +49 (0)8122 413 0
Telefax: +49 (0)8122 413 310
Managing Director:
Pierre Pfeiffer
Tim Mörtl
alpha trading solutions GmbH is entered in the commercial register of Munich with the number HR B 151525.
The VAT ID of alpha trading solutions GmbH is DE 233834437.
alpha trading solutions GmbH is registered under WEEE-reg.-no. DE 77556592 according to the ElektroG.
Copyright Law and Sign Protection Law
The author endeavours to observe the copyrights applicable to the pictures, graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts used in all publications, to use pictures, graphics, audio documents, video sequences and text prepared by the author itself or to use licence-free graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts. All trademarks and brand names mentioned on the website and protected by third parties, if applicable, are subject to the provisions of the sign protection law as applicable from time to time and the property rights of the registered owners for the time being without any restriction. The mere mentioning thereof must not lead to the conclusion that any trademarks are unprotected by third-party rights! The copyright for published objects prepared by the author itself remains with the author of the web pages on an exclusive basis. Any reproduction or use of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or print publications is not permitted unless with the express consent of the author.
Copyright Notice for Visual Material
For commercial purposes, alpha trading solutions GmbH uses, among other resources, visual material from image databases such as “”, „" and “”. In this connection, alpha trading solutions GmbH has only acquired the rights to use the visual material, while the copyrights are held by the image databases or artists concerned.
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Please feel free to contact us. We will prepare your individual offer.